1. 顧客可於購買日期起計15天內帶同未經拆封及包裝原好之商品,連同發票正本(訂單、收據、信用卡及簽帳單據)到購買門市申請換貨/退款,逾期恕不受理。若未能提供訂單或收據,恕不接受。
2. 如以信用卡(包括:非接觸式支付)簽帳,須由卡主本人帶同付款之實體信用卡到店內辦理。
3. 退款方式將按照購物時支付方式辦理退款。
4. 如有贈品送贈,退款時須交回相關贈品,否則恕不受理。
5. 若積分已被使用,須購回同等價值之積分。
6. 商品退換服務不適用於香港以外地區購買之商品。
7. 贈品及換領商品不能退換成現金或其他產品
8. 如同款產品經已售罄,可換同等價值之商品,或補差價較高價值之商品
9. 退換服務不適合於以下商品或情況,包括但不限於(品質問題除外)
i. 個人謢理產品
ii. 床上用品(如:枕頭、枕套、床墊)
iii. 貼身商品(如:家居服、拖鞋)
iv. 產品非全新狀態,或已經使用
v. 產品已受人為破損、有污漬或不完整
vi. 已退換一次的貨品
vii. 訂製商品(訂製窗簾、訂製家具等)
viii. 組裝後的商品(收納架、衣帽架等)
ix. 瑕疵商品
10. 本公司有權自行更改條款及細則,而不作另行通知,顧客於付款前請細閱有關條款及細則。
Return and Exchange Policy【Hong Kong】
1. Please keep this receipt for exchange or refund of item within 15 days from the date of purchases or receipt of items. Open packaging or damaged items, discounted display items, custom-made items are non-exchangeable item. Failure to provide the order or receipt will not be accommodated.2. For payment made with credit card, please bring the concerned credit card.
3. We will give you a full refund by the same method as your original payment for products that are returned with the invoice.
4. If there were any gifts given with the purchase, you need returned during the refund process.
5. If member points have been used, equivalent points need to repurchased.
6. The return and exchange policy is not applicable to items purchased outside of Hong Kong.
7. Gifts or redeemed items cannot be exchanged for cash or other products.
8. If the same item is out of stock, it can be exchanged for an item of equal value or a higher-value item.
9. The return and exchange policy is not suitable for the following items or situations, including but not limited to (excluding quality issues)
i. Personal care products
ii. Bedding (such as pillows, pillowcases, mattresses)
iii. Personal products (such as pajamas, slippers)
iv. The product has been used
v. The product has been damaged, stained or incomplete
vi. Products that have been exchanged once
vii. Customized products (customized curtains, customized furniture, etc.)
viii. Assembled products (storage racks, coat racks, etc.)
ix. Defective goods
10. NITORI reserves the final right to interpret the terms and conditions herein. Please read the relevant terms and conditions before making payment.